(As on Jan 2020)

The Stud Books of countries mentioned below have been designated “approved” by the International Stud Book Committee. Horses from these countries will carry the suffix indicated, when exported.

Argentina ARG
Australia AUS
Austria AUT
Azerbaijan AZE
Bahrain BHR
Barbados BAR
Belgium and Luxemburg BEL/LUX
Brazil BRZ
Bulgaria BUL
Canada CAN
Chile CHI
China CHN
Colombia COL
Croatia CRO
Cyprus CYP
Czech Republic CZE
Denmark DEN
Dominican Republic DOM
Ecuador ECU
Finland FIN
France FR
Germany GER
Great Britain and Ireland GB/IRE
Greece GR
Hungary HUN
India IND
Iran IRN
Italy ITY
Jamaica JAM
Japan JPN
Kenya KEN
Korea KOR
Lebanon LEB
Lithuania LTU
Malaysia MAL
Mexico MEX
Morocco MOR
Netherlands HOL
New Zealand NZ
Norway NOR
Oman OM
Pakistan PAK
Paraguay PRY
Peru PER
Philippines PHI
Poland POL
Portugal POR
Puerto Rico PR
Qatar QA
Romania RUM
Russia RUS
Saudi Arabia KSA
Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina SER/BOS/HER
Slovakia SVK
Slovenia SVN
South Africa and Zimbabwe SAF/ZIM
Spain SPA
Sweden SWE
Switzerland SWI
Syria SY
Trinidad and Tobago TRI
Tunisia TUN
Turkey TUR
United Arab Emirates UAE
United States of America USA
Uruguay URU
Uzbekistan UZB
Venezuela VEN